Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Isaiah turns 2

Yes, I'm still nursing my son.
Yes, he did just turn two.
No, I don't know when he'll wean.
Yes, I'm quite sure it will be before college.

No, it's not causing his teeth to rot.
No, it is certainly not spoiling him.
Yes, he does eat other food.
No, it won't cause him to be too thin or too chubby.

Yes, he does squirm a lot.
Yes, he does refuse to be covered up now.
No, it doesn't hurt.
Yes, I know it's because he's healthy and strong.

No, I don't rush him.
No, I don't think he's done yet.
Yes, I will know when we're done.
No, it won't be today.

Yes, sometimes I'm a bit "touched out".
Yes, sometimes I say no to him.
No, that doesn't mean I have to stop.
Yes, I'm very happy with this nursing relationship.