Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I really do have a superpower

Isaiah had a check-up yesterday and I was just shocked to see how much he's grown. He's almost twice what he weighed at birth! And he's grown 3 inches since his last appointment. And I am again astonished and not a bit humbled that I am able to make the food that helps my baby to thrive.

It's not like I'm new to breastfeeding. And it's not like I didn't know I was feeding him. But still, hearing those numbers just made me think how amazing it is that with no real effort on my part, I can just make the food that he lives and grows on. Wow.

I love when he's really chugging and I can hear him, "gulp gulp gulp". It's so easy to forget that my body is really doing that. I love how well our bodies were designed.