Monday, December 1, 2008

I would never really complain, but...

There is nothing that would ever make me consider not breastfeeding Isaiah, but the two big challenges have both hit within the last week. I had mastitis all last week and although most of what I read said it's unlikely to get it in both sides, I did. Mastitis is an infection in the milk ducts. It's kind of like your breasts getting the flu. My whole body ached, my head throbbed and it felt like there were hot pokers shooting through my breasts all day every day. The only real way to heal it is to nurse more often, which is painful. The hardest part of mastitis is that I didn't look sick, so it was hard to get enough rest. I'm sure it would have cleared up sooner if I'd been able to rest more. Speaking of rest, the other hard part of breastfeeding this week has been lack of sleep. Isaiah is having a huge huge growth spurt. He looks bigger every morning when I look at him. But, he's wanting to nurse all night long. So I'm not getting more than 2 hours of sleep at a time each night. Luckily we co-sleep so I don't have to get up and do much when he wakes me up. But even just laying there with him and talking to him while he settles back down and gets ready to eat himself to sleep is enough to make me feel like I'm exhausted. There is something about not getting solid hours of sleep all in a row that really takes a toll on the body. I'm so glad that I do sleep next to him. I'm sure people would tell me that if he was crib-trained and blah blah blah maybe he'd sleep more. But I know that this is the best option for everyone. I have no doubt abou that. This too shall pass and I'll get back to sleeping happily through the night.