Thursday, January 8, 2009

chiropractic care

A friend of mine from church mentioned to me a few monthes ago that she met this man in her small group that was a chiropractor and that his speciality was exactly the kind of injury that I have. She told me I needed to make an appointment. I was excited about the information but put off calling for a long time. After the accident I spent all my time in appointments. I think I was seeing around 15 specialists all in all. I just got tired of doctors and being messed with. So the idea of starting in on appointments with someone again was kinda scary. But I was complaining again and she totally called me out on not calling yet.
So I did finally. I've been so impressed with this doctor. I am hopeful for the first time in years that this injury might actually be healed. I had resigned myself to accepting that it might only be managed and I'd be dealing with it forever.
He's said he is absolutely certain that he can fix this neck injury. I've never had anyone say they think its completely fixable. And if the improvement that came from this first week is any measure, than I really do believe him.
He's explained to me how the top vertebrae (c1 and c2) are moved and how they have been compressing my brain stem all this time. He explained how that can lead to all kinds of feelings of depression.
That really hit me. I thought I was done being angry about this accident. I thought I'd put all that behind me, but this has stirred up those feeling again. If it hadn't happened, or if I'd had someone help me right away, I wonder what all would have been different. I've thought of this before, of course. But specifically the issues I had with depression and what actions that led to... those are the things that I regret the most. What if the depression hadn't crept into my life? What if I hadn't needed to cope with that depression? What if I hadn't been trying to cope and hide those feelings I was having?
I don't want to get caught up in the "what if" game. But its been on my mind today and I thought (hoped) writing it out might help those what ifs get out of my head so I can really truly start to heal.

1 comment:

Andre said...

This guy seems really good. I'm really optimistic.

I love you.